Vocabulary: Fall List #3

1. Accolade- any award, honor, or laudatory notice
I have many accolades from elementary school that I have kept as mementos.
2. Acerbity- harshness or severity, as of a temper or expression
Everyday there is an acerbity in my greetings towards most people after I wake up early.
3. Attrition- a reduction in size, numbers, or strength
In my choir classes there has been an increasing rate of attrition to each of the beginning choirs.
4. Bromide- a trite saying
Throughout the day I hear comments similar to "YOLO" and "TMI", at which time I begin to think we need to get ride of these kind of bromide statements.
5. Chauvinist- a person who believes that one gender is superior to another
While the patriarchal society is efficient in many ways there are some chauvinistic patterns displayed in history.
6. Chronic-continuing a long time or reoccurring
Many people suffer from chronic pain in America.
7. Expound- to explain or interpret
In the past couple of years my ability to expound the text has increased dramatically.
8. Factionalism- a group of people forming a minority within another group
All religions have displayed factionalism because of differences in interpretion of the text.
9. Immaculate- free from moral blemish or impurity
Children are immaculate in every topic that might be discussed in this world of politics.
10. Imprecation- a curse
Every once in a while I feel like a witch because I cast imprecations on those who don't work hard in group projects.
11. Ineluctable- unable to escape
When parents are looking for their teenagers, we just can't be ineluctable.
12. Mercurial- animated, lively, and quick-witted
When describing my  dear friend Michelle I should call her "Michelle the Mercurial".
13. Palliate-to relieve or lessen without curing
When someone has chronic pain there is only palliate treatments for even the most extreme cases.
14. Protocol- the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality
When entering Dr. Preston's class there are protocols that every student must follow in the AP Class.
15. Resplendent- shinning brilliantly, gleaming, splendid
Every sunset gives a nice resplendent ending to the day no matter the obstacles earlier.
16. Stigmatize- to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon
Whatever irresponsible acts I might commit as a young adult could stigmatize my entire family.
17.  Sub rosa- in secret
Maybe when I am an adult I will do more things to be a part of sub rosa.
18. Vainglory- excessive elation of ones achievements or boastful vanity
As an AP student I am sure that I have experience the feeling of vainglory after an awards ceremony.
19. Vestige- a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence
People may change but there will always be a vestige of the child or person they once were.
20. Volition- the act of willing, choosing, or resolving
As a leader, I must always be able to get each issue to the point of volition.


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