Dickens Map

1) your reading schedule to complete your reading/review of the book by Monday, February 4; 2) five AP questions (with source URLs) that you intend to be able to answer by the time you finish; and 3) how you think you should be tested on these ideas, and/or how you intend to demonstrate your expertise on your blog. 

1. Michelle and I have decided to read together as a pair to keep each other on track. Seventy pages a night and we can discuss what we read with each other at school if we so desire or need.

2.  Found some questions...

Essay Question 1:In the original ending of Great Expectations, Pip sees Estella in London in the company of her husband and her children. Dickens was advised by a close friend that this was not how readers would want the story to end, so the ending was changed to the now published ending. Evaluate the purpose behind Charles Dickens' original ending. Which ending completes the story more fully? Which ending makes the most sense to you as the reader, and which ending most efficiently potrays the key themes of the novel? Use the text to support your response.
Essay Question 2:Miss Havisham is heart broken and left in a disarry on her wedding day when her fiance leaves her at the alter.  Coincidently this "fience" is none other than Compeyson.  In her rage at this situation Miss Havisham adopts Estella to use her to get back at men.  Do you think that this justifies how Estella acts or is her manner just naturally how she is? Do you believe that Miss Havisham has the right to corrupt someone elses life and use them for her own selfish purposes?


1. In this novel, things are often not what they seem. Discuss how the theme of "expectations" is illustrated by and through the major characters in this book. How are Pip's expectations different from and similar to those of Joe Gargery, Miss Havisham, Estella and Magwitch?

2.Why do you think it is one of Magwitch's principal conditions that Pip "always bear the name of Pip" (which is actually his childhood nickname) in order to receive his financial support?

3. If Pip had not received his "great expectations" and never left Joe's forge, how do you think his life would have been different? Are the lessons he learns during his physical and emotional journey necessary for him to arrive at the wisdom he displays as the middle-aged narrator of this tale? In what ways?

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/oprahsbookclub/Great-Expectations-by-Charles-Dickens-Reading-Questions#ixzz2JQVHsb00

3. I think in order to demonstrate our understanding we should write an essay in class, then peer-edit the next day, and to finish it off post a rewritten essay on the blog.


  1. Your blog is great Mackenzie! So insightful! haha
    What do you think the essay should be about? Open ended or certain topic?!


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