a) These five questions are ones that I have after reading the passage we were assigned, because most of the resources I found were of other students.
  • What can you guess happened to the main character to give him such a feeling of isolation?
  • During the passage he keeps noting that he was once a priest, more accurately a Brahmin, from this information where is the character from and what is his culture like?
  • What is the author conveying to us as we follow the flow of consciousness of Siddhartha? Compare this to the Essays de Montaigne.
  • The repetition of the word ascetic... If you knew what the word meant, gives the reader a better understanding of what part of Siddhartha's character?
  • "At that moment when the world around him melted away, when he stood alone like a star in the heavens  he was overwhelmed by a feeling of icy despair, but he was more firmly himself than ever." From this quote what do we understand about the authors message, even without reading the entire story.
b) These were questions that I created myself so I was hoping that my peers could help me understand these questions and fill in the blanks I might have from missing class. And I really would like to hear what answers my peers have from their different perspective.

c) I couldn't find any questions that tested me on the content for the AP Exam which really concerns me (maybe its the filter bubble). Hopefully my lessons on critical thinking and syncretism of ideas has helped me to create some AP like questions. 


  1. Which students had the best resources? Did you follow any of those links/leads? For your own search, did you use both Google & DuckDuckGo? What search terms did you use?

  2. I used a Google search of "AP questions Siddhartha" and then "AP Literature and Composition questions on Siddhartha". Both of these searches sent me to other students blogs which were a great help for formulate these questions (Samantha Garrison used http://www.greatbooks.org/resources/guides/novels/siddhartha/ while Alex Ramirez used http://www.gradesaver.com/siddhartha/q-and-a/explain-which-person-has-the-greatest-influence-on-siddhartha-and-why-94151/). I noted these two girls because I am really good friends with them and their blogs have been a real help to my understanding of the materials during the last semester. When I first read the assignment all I could think of was multiple choice questions that should be popping up on the search engine; however, that is the problem with not being in class you get a skewed perspective. I didn't really run down any links to long because I wanted to give my understanding of the material raw (and while my questions were fresh) and luckily I could.


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