Brave New World: Chapter 7

  • Lenina is walking around with Bernard in the reservation with their Indian guide (who apparently stinks)
  • During this trek Lenina is continually complaining not unlike how she did at the North Pole, in the way that she doesn't like anything about this New Mexican Reservation
  • "Cleanliness is next to Fordliness"- quick pun she said through conditioning
  • There is a long description of an old man, which Lenina is repulsed by, we learn that people in the State don't age past 30. Similarly she is repulsed by the women who are breast-feeding their children
  • Bernard is trying to seem unaffected by both of these next types of individuals, because of this he says "What a wonderfully intimate relationship"
  • Men and women are dressed up for a ritual, which start with the drums and Lenina closes her eyes and starts repeating her conditioning in order to soothe herself during this distressful time without soma
  • The beat reminder her of the lower level ceremonies and she repeats with the beat Orgy-poragy
  • Similarly to the ritual last chapter a man travels in a circle and the people chant together, however he is whipped by another until he falls as a sacrifice for Pookong and Jesus
  • We meet 'John' who is the son born of Linda, the women who was with the Director mentioned earlier in the book lost at the reservation
  • John and Lenina have a long look at each other... Might mean something later knowing Lenina
  • Linda was an outcast from this society because of her conditioning and now she relates all of her troubles to Lenina (from the monogamy, lack of sterilization, to no soma)


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