"Pre-Will" Questions

a.  I know nothing about Hamlet, expect that they used the plot to create the Disney movie The Lion King.
b.  Shakespeare a world famous writer who composed tales like Romeo and Juliette and Julius Caesar. I really don't remember anything about these two stories, because I watched a few movies about the plays for class instead of reading the novel.
c.  My frown comes from the fact that this text is something that I am unfamiliar with in an old kind of English. Without the benefits that I can fluently speak like the writer makes it all the more difficult to read, even without the hardships I already have with English.
d.  Personally I want to discuss the topic without notes and read comprehensively without being bound to words that were written that I won't even understand later. Socratic Seminars are my favorite collaborative form of discussion during class time, because everyone in at an equal advantage to share their thoughts on the topic.


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