Spring Semester Plan

From all of my recent posts anyone can tell what my plan for most of the semester will be focused on... However what will I do once May has come and gone, I believe that I will start preserving my memories from the past four years. I know there is this idea of a 'Senior Scrapbook' maybe I can work on creating a website that is a better reflection of those moments. I am basing this on something like Instagram, but what if I could make pages of 'pictures' and re-post those on the website and at the end of the year make a 'book'. Hopefully this online book would be shared with all the people who have taken this journey with me, because I really want them to be able and comment on the book and what they remember from those specific events to give me a more wholesome experience when looking back on my high school days.

This is REALLY rough and an idea that I got from talking to Dr. Preston and my mom. Thanks guys.


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